“Paradise Film Fest,” we rediscover slow time in the ancient village of Palazzo Adriano

From August 21 to 23, 2020, the 2nd edition of the
Paradiso Film Fest
, the film festival scheduled in Palazzo Adriano.

The Paradiso Film Fest, born as an immersive, multi-sensory experience, combining music and live concerts with cinema, to be experienced in the square and streets that have enchanted filmmakers and artists, and that welcome visitors from all over the world every day, this year wants to take up the challenge of an edition dedicated to the slowness by combining the setting of the ancient village, its inhabitants and natural environment with outdoor movie nights.

Our modern world is going through the same frantic race, regardless of where we live. We have been seized by a continuous need to always move forward, a dynamic that is essential to continue to exist, whatever our profession.

We did not want to listen to the many signs warning us of the dangers of this hellish spiral. Yet they were there before our eyes: climate change, rampant urbanization, pollution, destruction of many ecosystems.

It took an invisible virus to stop the world in a few weeks. The shock was immense for all of us wherever we lived.

We have learned that precisely slowness today is an essential proposition for the modern world.

At Palazzo Adriano we have no choice but “slow time,” and we understand that it is actually our greatest asset.

Art and culture are our refuge, allowing us to appreciate the world and its challenges creatively and meditatively. That is why we did not want to give up this second edition, albeit in a revised formula given the exceptional nature of the period, which imposed cuts on the planned concerts. So we give you an appointment to share with us movie nights under the stars and to find slow time in our small village.


Friday, August 21

The License: by
John Gaetani
Liseo // 2019 // 41′ MINUTES

Abstract: Domenico is 18 years old and lives on a farm in the mountains with his father, mother and brother, where they work in the fields and with animals still as they used to. Dominic tends the pasture and spends all his days in solitude with the flock but has only one fixed thought: he would like to learn to drive. He decides to enroll in driving school, but the distance from the town and the rigid schedules imposed by his task on the farm make it not easy to fulfill this simple wish.

The Road Home: directed by Giovanni Severino; screenplay by Giannicola Sabella; stage photos by Nicola Vaiana and Girolamo Mosca // 2020 // 06.00′ MINUTES

Saturday, August 22

Review of short films by “Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest” (Neptune)

Dinosaurs // by Paul Aeberhardt // France // 04.22′ MINUTES

El Tomato // by Juan Angel Perez // Spain // 03:43′ MINUTES

Embraces & the touch of skin // by Sara Koppel // Denmark // 02:42′ MINUTES

From eastern lands // by Sarah Tabibzadhé// Iran // 04:55′ MINUTES

Land of the free // by Carlotta Piccinini // Italy // 04:36′ MINUTES

Throughout Life // by Roberto Catani // Italy // 05:20′ MINUTES

Space now // by Egor Kharlamov // Russia // 03:23′ MINUTES

Terra Ca Nun Senti // by Manon Recordon // France // 08:12′ MINUTES

The Horse // by Benyamin Bahadoran // Iran // 05:44′ MINUTES

Vittorio De Seta’s The Lost World – Collection of short documentaries made between 1954 and 1959

Sulfarara // 10′ MINUTES

Easter in Sicily // 11′ MINUTES

Farmers of the Sea // 10′ MINUTES

Golden Parable // 10′ MINUTES

Sunday, August 23

Paradiso Film Fest Cut // by John Severino

Screening of the film “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” by Giuseppe Tornatore, filmed in Palazzo Adriano

Photo exhibition of shots from the 1st Paradiso Film Fest by photographer Nicola Vaiana